Around the block: parking policy links

Reinventing Parking has been too quiet lately. Sorry!

Here is a quick 'links' post to help me get going with blogging again. By the way, most of these links are drawn from my Twitter feed (where I tweet about parking as well as some wider urban transport themes). I haven't been in the habit of re-posting them here. But I think I should.

Macau is proposing to vary its parking fees by area and time - making it costlier to park in peak hours and in the busiest areas. It looks like they are thinking of this in terms of traffic restraint rather than making parking occupancy the focus of pricing decisions.

at Parking Today blog picked up on my coining of the term "Adaptive Parking" in my last post here. Encouraging. Thanks John!

A Westfield shopping centre in Brisbane just started charging for parking (the first three hrs are free) in order to deter 'free-riders' using it as a park-and-ride lot. Seems reasonable to me, but local reactions seem to range from shock to horror.

Streets Blog has a series of posts on parking reforms brewing in New York City. There are some promising signs and some rather worrying ones.

Park-and-ride Metro-North parking lots in the Connecticut suburbs of New York City have multi-year waits for passes and some screwed up pricing policies. Felix Salmon had some brief and pertinent comments (but a misleading headline). 
The small New Zealand city of Rotorua plans to vary its parking prices in space (but not yet in time).

This one could be big if India's states decide to follow through on it. A review of India's vehicle registration system has recommended requiring car owners to prove they have access to parking before being allowed to register the vehicle. One part of India recently started doing so and Japan has for decades.
Social engineering that promotes automobile dependence: an example of how parking minimums erode inner urban vitality.

Parking reform in California that would have prevented local governments from having excessively high parking minimums near transit stops (among other reforms) has been killed by lobbying.

Creative parking policy reforms in Montgomery County, Maryland. Nelson/Nygaard helped the county navigate a minefield to achieve pro-urban parking policy settings in its urban districts. But abolishing parking minimums was a step too far.

The unfairness of Delhi's extremely low parking prices: The Hindu.

UK's coalition government has announced parking policy changes. Not good. Thoughtful commentary here and here.

Fascinating first hand insights on how residential parking works in urban Japan.
